Bring Flowers of the Rarest – The May Altar

In “The Joy of Love” Pope Francis encourages us to go to Our Lady and to look to her and the Family of Nazareth as a guide and encouragement in our own family lives.
Families and schools are invited to honour Our Lady in a special way during May by putting up a small May altar in your home or classroom and gathering to pray together there. The May altar is an image or statue of our Lady, placed in a chosen spot such as a window ledge, small table or shelf. Flowers are picked and placed around the image. Rosary beads, a small crucifix or a prayer book can also decorate this special space and to express our love and honour to Mary.
If you don’t have a statue of Our Lady, use the statue of Mary from your Christmas crib or download an image from the internet.
Encourage your children or grandchildren to say a prayer in front of the altar each day and let them decorate it with fresh flowers each week. We invite you to bring them to the church to light a candle at our Lady’s Altar during the month.