Prayers and Reflections

Prayer is necessary for us to grow in our faith. Praying morning and evening prayers helps us to develop the habit of prayer and directs our thoughts to God who loves us, to Jesus who leads us to the Father, and to the Holy Spirit who dwells within our hearts.


Home and Family Prayers

Novena to St Joseph in the Year of St Joseph

Mission Sunday – Weekday reflections for October, Mission Month

Praying the Rosary

Season of Creation 

Day for Life – Choose Life

May – Month of Our Lady

Liturgical Seasons

Advent and Christmas Reflections

Lent and Easter

In this time of Coronavirus

“Urbi et Orbi” Message – Extraordinary Moment of Prayer: here

Irish Catholic Bishops Conference prayer suggestions: here

Prayers while we are unable to gather for Mass: here

A Prayer to Combat the Coronavirus Pandemic: here


Lockdown  – Brother Richard Hendrick OMF: here

Wisdom of St. Teresa of Avila

Prayer of Trust

Many people are worried about what the future might hold. The Prayer of Trust may bring you comfort.

Beloved Lord, breathe calm in my mind, peace in my heart and silence in my soul. In the silence let me hear your voice. In the peace, let me see your face. In the calm, let me know your love. We pray for those who are suffering and for those who are caring for them. Lord, we ask for your protection, Amen.

Loving Father, we place in your care all our doctors, nurses and healthcare workers.

Give them the courage of heart and strength of mind and body. Keep them safe from harm. May they know our deep gratitude for all that they are doing to heal and help those affected by the coronavirus. God of all consolation may they know your protection and peace. Bless them in these challenging days and bless their families. Amen   

Prayer for Protection Against Coronavirus

We pray Lord Jesus for an increased awareness of, and commitment to health and communal safety measures for coronavirus COVID-19 in Ireland, and our world, in our parish communities and our diocese, in our families, social groups and with our friends, in our rural and urban communities, in our workplaces, businesses, means of transport and social activities, in our schools, daycare centres and playgrounds, in our shopping, travel and leisure, in our love of neighbour.

We pray Lord that we work as a community to heed the health alerts, to be calm and not panic, to uplift each other’s spirits, and be open to change as needed.

We pray Lord for the many ways in which we show respect for ourselves and others, in our conversations and activities, and in our willingness to adapt our lifestyles, in our gifts of patience and tolerance, in our use of social media, in our personal and communal prayer for others and ourselves.

We pray Lord for people affected in any way by coronavirus, for people who have died and their families, for people who have coronavirus and those who have recovered, for people who are in isolation at this time, for people working in hospitals, clinics, and medical centres, for doctors, nurses, medical staff and medical scientists, for ambulance, emergency services, and information technology people, for carers, counsellors and pastoral care ministers.

We pray Lord that Our Lady, Queen of Ireland and Queen of Protection will walk with each person at this time.  May she take this prayer to Christ Her Son who through his Life, Death and Resurrection comes to give us life and give it in abundance.

Bless us Lord with strength and protection.

May your blessing now come down upon us as we pray in silence.   Amen

Prayer of St. Francis de Sales

Do not fear the changes of life, God, whose very own you are, will deliver you out of them all.  He has kept you hitherto and he will lead you safely through all things.  And when you cannot stand it, God will bury you in his arms.  Do not be afraid of what will happen tomorrow.  The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will care for you then and every day.  He will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it.  Be at peace and put aside anxious thoughts and imaginations.