
The Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Sick are the two Sacraments of healing.


The usual time for confession is on a Saturday immediately following the 10.00am and 6:00pm Masses, but the priests are available anytime by appointment for people wishing to avail of this sacrament.

A Penitential Service is arranged during Lent and again during Advent. These present opportunities for parishioners and visitors to our parish to avail of the sacrament of reconciliation in preparation for the coming of Christ at Easter and Christmas.

Extract from Homily of Pope John Paul II on September 13, 1987, at Westover Hills, San Antonio, Texas
In different parts of the world there is a great neglect of the Sacrament of Penance. This is sometimes linked to an obscuring of the religious and moral conscience, a loss of the sense of sin, or a lack of adequate instruction on the importance of this sacrament in the life of Christ’s Church. At times the neglect occurs because we fail to take seriously our lack of love and justice, and God’s corresponding offer of reconciling mercy. Sometimes there is a hesitation or an unwillingness to accept maturely and responsibly the consequences of the objective truths of faith. For these reasons it is necessary to emphasize once again that “with regard to the substance of the sacrament there has always remained firm and unchanged in the consciousness of the Church the certainty that, by the will of Christ, forgiveness is offered to each individual by means of sacramental absolution given by the ministers of Penance” (Ioannis Pauli PP. II Reconciliatio et Paenitentia, 30). Read more…