Pope Francis’s invitation for the Season of Creation

During this Season of Creation, Pope Francis is inviting everyone to pray for “an environmentally sustainable lifestyle”.

Pope Francis urges us to take the opportunity to reflect on “the way we eat, consume, travel, or the way we use water, energy, plastics, and many other material goods,” especially those which are harmful to the environment.

“Let us pray that we all will make courageous choices, the choices necessary for a simple and environmentally sustainable lifestyle, taking inspiration from our young people who are resolutely committed to this,” he said.

“It makes me very happy to see that young people have the courage to undertake projects for environmental and social improvement, since the two go together,” he said.  “Let us take advantage of their example and reflect on our lifestyle, especially during these moments of health, social and environmental crisis.”

“Let us choose to change!” the Pope urged. “Let us advance with young people towards lifestyles that are simpler and more respectful of the environment.”

September’s prayer intention fits into a long line of invitations Pope Francis has made urging people to live more simply.  The Pope’s insistence on integral ecology reminds us that “everything is interconnected in our lives” and that words are not enough to “protect our common home”.  The future of the planet that young people will inherit is exactly what hangs in the balance, concluded the Pope.